Play local
Play legal
Play with confidence
In Québec, the only 100% legal and local sports betting and casino site, is the one from Loto-Québec.
Playing with us
benefits all of Québec
Over $1.5 billion awarded to winners* of the lottery and in gaming locations last year alone.
Over $1.5 billion paid to the Québec government* last year for your health, education and other government missions.
Hundreds of local organizations supported every year to help Quebecers in need.
A major boost for Québec culture and artists through scholarships, sponsorships and more.

We’re looking out
for you
Use our responsible gambling tools to play without going overboard, as if someone was watching over you.
Our games comply with certification standards that ensure their integrity.

We won’t send you messages without your consent, and we don’t allow minors to gamble.
We’re committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information.
You’ll be assisted by a call centre based right here, in Québec.
If you don’t see Loto-Québec’s logo, it isn’t from Loto-Québec.
True ou false? These brands allow you to play local, legal and with confidence.
That’s right!Wrong!
Mise-o-jeu and Mise-o-jeu + are the only 100% legal sports betting options in Québec. What’s the advantage of choosing a legal website? You’ll have peace of mind.
Loto-Québec’s website is the only legal casino website in Québec. Provincial governments can offer lottery games and online games only through their official operator (like Loto-Québec in Québec).
Nice catch!Oops!
Sports Ka-Ching is a fake brand we created to show that an illegal website is still illegal, even if you see a star in its ad. End of story.
Right on.Wrong answer.
OK POKER is a Loto-Québec brand that brings together our poker games available online and in our locations. Our games and tournaments are designed to appeal to Québec and Canadian players.
Right!Wrong answer.
Quebecers have been enjoying lottery games for over 50 years. Lotto 6/49, Lotto Max, Grande Vie and many others are part of their everyday lives.
Well played.1-0 for us.
Designed to provide a stress-free experience, is the only website offering legal bingo games that give back to the Québec community.
The website is managed by Quebecers for Quebecers. We can be proud of that!

*For more information, see page 5 of our annual report.